Marooned on an Island Alg 1/2 project

If you were on a deserted island for 1 year and could only take 5 things with you, what would they be? We aren't talking about things like…enough batteries for my computer for a year…or….the entire internet written down in a book.

No, we are talking about things like…….which book, which tool….practical stuff.
Your assignment is to ask 15 people what 5 things they would bring, and then make some kind of graph to show their answers. These 15 people must be from different parts of your life. For example, they can’t all be students or all grownups. Try and get a good mix of young, old, English and non-English, etc.

You will need to collect all the data and figure out the best way to show the information. There are lots of ways to make a graph using a computer. You will have to figure out some way to create a neat, organized graph and print it out.

You will also need to turn in a chart with the names of the people you asked and what their 5 things are for the island.

To turn in:
(1) chart with the data

(2) graph or graphs of the information

To graph check out these sites:

(This one limits you to 5 things you can graph.)

(a little more complicated but gives you bigger graphs)

(top 10 list of sites you can use)
